I love the places you take me!

I am finally back from what seems more of an emotion block than a writer's block. Wanted to leave you with a smile. So this one goes out to YOU! :)

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You're Not Alone, I Promise

... and if you ever need me, you know where to find me. You're not alone.

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Find Yourself, Baby

It feels like the whole world is bare open before my eyes for me to look and understand and take it in. I've always lived in a protected shell, and ended up being conned in the very place I called home. My heart leaps outward and my eyes search elsewhere. I'm looking at bigger plans, better people and a place of my own, sought out of my very own effort. The challenges only make you stronger, the set backs make you better and a loved one's treachery only makes you a better fighter. So go find yourself. Ah, this map just makes my heart swoon with delight. Just look at this huge space filled with opportunities and swarming with wonderful, wonderful, wonderful people! Look at all the places you can go sight seeing to, all the people you can meet and so much knowledge still left for you to absorb. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to 2012. Let this year leave you with a better, braver, happier person. Happiness is not around you, it's inside you; why are you straying elsewhere? I'm on a roller coaster ride. How many people actually get a second chance at life? And do you know the key to living the best way? Don't let that beautiful heart of yours carry hate and malice. It's meant to hold love and tenderness. Don't lose that. Don't lose God's Personal Touch in you. 

Connect with me through one of the following options to stay in touch while I go home-hunting! Au revoir, darlings!

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Break Out of the Normal

Normalcy isn't good for writers. In order to find the extraordinary out of the ordinary, a writer must see beyond the canvas of normalcy. He must possess an eye for the special, he must feel emotions in a new paradigm to be able to make out the best in them for all the world to see. His words should be easy, yet the picture he creates should break the barriers of what and how words can impact. A write should be anything but normal; and that is why he is a complete package. Special, brilliant, sensitive; he touches your heart not every one can.

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Waking Up To Dreams

No the image does not go with the post. I just love these booties, that's all ;-)

After much thinking, I have finally settled for the theme of my debut book. I love writing short stories and the part I enjoy the most in them is making seemingly small moments as monumental as they really are sometimes. Please check out my selection of short stories here on the perfect line on the "Short Stories" link on the top menu bar. If you get time to read any of them, please take out a minute or two and leave a comment for any feedback you may have, any area you think needs improvement. Just pick one whose title grabs your attention. It would be so great if you could! 

So, it's like I was putting off writing this first book that I had so much heart into because I wanted to have the perfect person to share it with. No time wasting trying to decide who would be the perfect one to name on my dedications page. This dream is mine to create, and my parents to have and enjoy, wholly. Life waits for no one, then what am I waiting for? I'm a go getter now and I love the new me! God willing, you're soon going to know me by my soon-to-be hard cover book in your favorite book store! 

P.S. Thank you SO MUCH for the email messages, especially new year wishes, comments and your participation on my Facebook fan page. I'm very tight on schedule these days with a full time job that takes so much of time but which I absolutely love. I try my best to respond to all your emails, and will be back to replying to all your comments one by one. Just that for now, I need to focus a bit more on my career, since I'm learning new things every day. You guys are just awesome! *mwah!*

You know how to reach me.

- WarmSunshine

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Unfinished Stories

Unfinished stories have a way with calling out to you by your name. There is something vulnerable about them that invites nurturing; like a crying child who loses the way home. These unfinished stories want you to cradle them in your arms once more, to soothe them, deal with all their loose ends and complete them. How desperately you want to give in to all this subtle imploring and play the woman, the ever-nurturing mother. But what you don't know is that they want to seep into your system. That's is the only chance they have for survival. Do not let these abandoned tales get to you. They are like slow poison. Run far, far away.

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A New Year Message

I am fantastic
a bright shining star
years do not define me
i define years.
i promise to
live up to myself
each day, this year
rules shall not bind me
i shall define those rules
set goals
and leave examples
i shall not tread
where the ordinary go
this year
i leave marks
where not every one
dare to go
i'll dance
to my own tune
move my
own way
scream to be heard
whisper in love
i'll be better
than each yesterday
i'll be optimistic
for each tomorrow
i am a woman
and i'm fantastic
in each and every way.
and this time around
years will not define me
i shall define years.

- Dedicated to all the wonderful women out there

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Perfect Liners!


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