Woh Humsafar Thhaa - Sufi Music: Tunes I Like Tuesday

Dedicate it to your someone special, I just did to mine!

Just today I was talking to my friend about how my Tunes I Like Tuesday series were getting boring but I came across a song I just had to share! This one is a soulful number, originally sung by Abida Parveen, one of the finest Sufi vocalists of the modern era. This song completely takes you to a new level and the remake is equally enjoyable. Currently airing as the OST for a famous Pakistani TV Series Humsafar, the ghazal is making waves amongst the youth once more, with all the modern music, drums and guitars they enjoy. And yet, many are turning back to the original version for the immense grace of it.

You don't have to understand the language to appreciate the magic of this ghazal, as long as you enjoy pure eastern music. Just hit the play button and let it take over you!


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