Where Has Meqsi Been?

Hello all you wonderful people!

This place has been idle from last weekend and for those of you who have been coming in to check up on me and dropping in emails, thank you so much for the concern. It's been busy these last few days, including the Muslim festival of Eid ul-Adha. I have consistently stared at the Compose New Post screen every night but failed to come up with something to write. This isn't really a writer's block; it's one of those times when you've got so much running through your heard that it gets difficult picking up a single (cheerful) thought to share. My mind has been up and running on maximum capacity, to the point of leaving me absolutely incapable of jotting down anything. I want then every time you come here, you leave with a smile. And when that can't be managed justifiably, I just want to stick around to keeping it idle.

I just got a call from an aunt telling me she just discovered this place and that she read my something-something story that I wrote some 2 years back. It was about a brother and his little sister, Meenu, who were poor and probably missed out on so much that makes up our every day lives. But they were HAPPY. Happy like, really really happy and content with what they had. It's one of my fave short stories, and you can check it out {HERE}.  I loved writing stories back then and I still do, but right now, I find it hard to sit and get myself in the mood of the scene. You can check up my old short stories on my old blog here. Do you think I should go back to writing stories? Tell me what you think about them.

Do you like my new header? I just felt like filling this place up with crazy, random colors. 
For all of you who have requested free site banners, I'll start working on them shortly. Just have to take care of a few things before them. 

Is writing therapeutic to you? Do you write to vent out? Or may be just because it makes you feel better? Happy? Satisfied? Stay tuned for this week's Fantastic Friday because this week we have a guest post from a fellow blogger, Katie, who talks about just that with her own personal experience. Come by and see what she has to share.

Keep Shining!

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