Arabian Nights

{ Muscat, Old City }

It's weekend here in Oman and my favorite day of the week when we go out and gorge on anything we feel like eating. Wednesday means two days off the gym and I allow myself to eat gulab jamans too. I love this place because of its peaceful, quiet environment but mostly because its where my husband is. Anywhere is a home where he is. He has this amazing ability to make even an otherwise mundane drive into an extreme bit of an adventure.

I'm unable to write these days, not because I am out of ideas, but because I am so much full of them that I am unable to pick one. My mind keeps on wandering to every thing so fast I find it hard to make my little heart sit still and focus on one thing.

I'm discovering Oman all over again. I'm not sure if a social and extrovert would find it as good as I do sometimes, I'm more of an introvert. This is the perfect place to just stand still for some time, breathe in and enjoy a certain delicious laziness.

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