Love's a Child - Valentines' Day Special

defy what you know

and come with me
on a journey to the unknown.
let your heart answer
your highest calling
may this darkness pass
into one of our brightest

defy reason
resist distrust
dare logic
the path to me
will be painful of all
but the path to me
will be rewarding of all
for i am the one
who keeps your heart
and i am the one
who knows your heart

come to me darling
for safe keeping
as a child would
his silly notions of love.
the cupid child who 
never wants to grow up,
as would love
for love is tainted with

years of wisdom

let love be a child
who sees the world
with the purest eyes
the clearest of hearts
the tenderest of emotions
and let this love between us
grow into something
only a blind cupid would know.

Dedicated to my husband.
Happy Valentines' Day, darling.

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