"The Addams Family" Funny Movie Quotes -- Fantastic Friday

Welcome to this week's edition of Fantastic Friday.

The Addams family was originally a cartoon by Charles Addams. With its tremendous popularity, it has now become a movie series, a 1950s sitcom and even an animated film. 

There have been television series cartoons on it too so every one now know the famous Addams Family. Everyone knows the Addams Family start up song that's now like an anthem to this whole series. The most appealing thing about The Addams Family is showing a traditional family which is anything but common. The dialogues are witty and outrageously funny. I think you'll find the appeal in just the quotes below.

Morticia: Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job. 

Morticia: Children, what are you doing?
Wednesday: I'm going to electrocute him.
Morticia: But we're late for the charity auction.
Wednesday: But, Mother!
Morticia: [firmly] I said no.
Pugsley: Pleeaaaase?
Morticia: [smiling indulgently] Oh, all right.

Grandmama: [to the family] Dinner's gonna be late. 
[goes outside] 
Grandmama: Here, boy! Here, boy! 

Gomez Addams: [admiring Mortisha, who is sleeping] Look at her. I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss!

Wednesday: Please pass the salt.
Morticia: And what do we say?
Wednesday: NOW.

Gomez: [as he helps Morticia out of a trap] Leather straps, red-hot pokers! 
Morticia: Later, my dearest. 

Uncle Fester: Haven't you ever slaughtered anyone before?
Wednesday: He's only a child.
Uncle Fester: That's no excuse! Aim for a major artery. The jugular.

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Gomez: Have no fear. The courts will decide. They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, with God as my witness, I am that fool.

Wednesday: Nobody gets out of the Bermuda Triangle, not even for a vacation. Everyone knows that. 
Dr. Pinderschloss: Oh, my little bundle. So much you don't understand. The human spirit, it is a hard thing to kill. 
Grandmama: Even with a chainsaw. 

Woman: What kind of powder does your mommy use?
Wednesday: Baking powder.
Woman: I mean on her face.
Wednesday: Baking powder.

Morticia: Gomez. 
Gomez: Querida? 
Morticia: Last night you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again! 

Gomez: What? Come on, Old Man, I've smoked since I was 5. Mother insisted.

Morticia: Wednesday, play with your food!

Girl Scout: Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?
Wednesday: Are they made with real girl scouts?

Star Cast:
Gomez played by Raul Julia
Morticia played by Anjelica Huston
Wednesday played by Christina Ricca
Pugsley played by Jimmy Workman
Grandmama played by Judith Malina
Uncle Fester played by Christopher Lloyd

Did you enjoy The Addams Family as a kid? I know now I'm gonna watch as many series off the Internet as I can this weekend!

Happy Friday!

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  1. loved watching that show! :)
    hi, am your new follower via gfc from the weekend hop with lucy and sam. hope you'll have the time to follow back. many thanks! :)

  2. Gotta love the Munsters lol. I was never particularly a fan, but I never gave the series a try, I should probably look up old U tube vids.

    Passing through from a blog hop! Please stop by!

  3. i so loved the adams family. did you hear they're remaking the munsters?

  4. Bahhhaaaa these are awesome I love this show....

  5. Hi there! Just started following from the blog hop and love a follow back at Capernaum Home :) Ashlee

  6. found you on the blog hop and am now a google follower.


  7. One of my all time favorite movies! Following from the FNF blog hop!

  8. Found you on Boost My Blog Friday, liked your blog and I'm a new follower. Hop over and say Hi if you get a chance

  9. I used to LOVE that show. We are actually planning to be them for Halloween this year! Hahaha

  10. New follower from Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop!!! Please follow back!!!! =D


  11. I looove this! :)

    I'm a new follower from the FNF hop. Hope you can stop by http://mamasmusingsblog.blogspot.com

  12. New follower here! Have a great weekend! Nanahood.com

  13. Hi! Just (blog) hopping through! These are too funny! I kinda forgot how great that movie was and all the great quotes it contained. Thanks for reminding me. :)

  14. Hey! I'm here from the weekend blog hop! I am following you now as well. You have a really cute blog here. An I have always LOVED the Addams family!

    I would really appreciate it if you could hop on by to see/follow me too at www.thegleemansbaby.blogspot.com

    Thanks so much!

  15. Loved the show, loved the movie! Great quotes! :)
    Hi! New follower from the Boost my Blog Friday blog hop! Please follow back. Thanks! :)

  16. great quotes :) ı love that show but somehow ı now havıg trouble finding old episodes online.
    ıf u have any inf. please tell.

  17. great quotes :) ı love that show but somehow ı now havıg trouble finding old episodes online.
    ıf u have any inf. please tell.

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