I wonder how people can become small in the blink of an eye. Can anything ever be so big that you can just erase a person from your life like they never existed? (Besides something totally outrageous and unfair, of course)
How can you bring yourself to forget the time spent with a friend, a relative, a sibling, a special someone based on one mistake? Some times people make mistakes on purpose, for fear of losing, for fear of crying, for fear of falling apart may be. May be they aren't so bad and you would know, only if you give them, rather, give yourself a fair chance. Can you ask yourself to catch that single twinkle of a genuine sorry, a look that says, hey, I'm sorry I couldn't help it, I'm sorry things had to turn out this way but I couldn't tell... I couldn't see, I wanted you till the very last minute, 'cause you were special and I didn't want to lose a single moment.
Hold my hand because I might disappear.
I have yet to find out what exactly goes on into the mind of a person who decides to say a "good bye". May be I'm too young to actually comprehend the severity of a farewell. Or may be I'm old enough to know how to let go or better yet, forgive: Forgive like there's no "good bye" in this world. You decide.
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