A Story Of Survival

It was a blissful weekend; a lot of soul searching, a lot of soulful music, heart to heart talk with some of my old friends, knowing how they have been doing all the while we were disconnected, catching up, the sorts. I'm happy I linked up with them once more. I am discovering myself all over again, and I'm discovering who my real friends are and who love me for me and who just don't. I'm just taking each day as it comes. I know it will be fine. God will heal me.  

But you know what? Amidst all thoughts of yourself, you realize there are so many less fortunate people than you. Your own sorrow seems small in front of them. I want to open my heart and let this tell me I still have so much to be thankful for. 
Sometimes in life we feel so blue, but someone somewhere is not happy as you.
Somewhere far at the border when a soldier sleeps, missing his loved ones he silently weeps.
Somewhere a mother painfully sighs 'cause, her new born baby didn't open her eyes.
Somewhere a poor dad silently cries, when he sees his son begging for a bowl of rice.
Somewhere in an orphanage a little girl is sad, when she misses her mom & dad.
So at times a reason to smile you may not have any, Just say to yourself that you are happier than many
'Cause life is beautiful & its not always blue
And someone somewhere is not as happy as you...

Got this poem in a text message. Heart warming isn't it?
Have a superb Monday!

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