8 Home Remedies For Pink And Rosier Lips

Home Remedies For Pink Lips
Pink lips are one of the most important elements of a woman’s beauty which add to her appeal. They look visually appealing and adds to her allure. There is no need to wear lipstick or lip gloss all the time. You can get pink and rosy lips using natural remedies at home also. Read on to know how to add a dash of colour to your dark and dull lips using home remedies and simple tips that you can observe on a daily basis that aids this beauty process.

1. Keep your lips moisturized

One of the most important tips in having pink lips is to keep them moisturized. When you use your daily scrub, use it to exfoliate your lips by rubbing it onto your lips in circular motion. This will rid your lips of any dry skin that's keeping them from looking pink and rosy. Use a moisturizer or petroleum jelly every night.

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2. Honey and Rose Water Remedy

Make a mixture of a few drops of honey with a single drop of rose water. Apply on lips to have soft and rosy effect.

3. Butterlicious!

Applying butter on your lips every night before going to bed helps soften and lighten lips.

4. Watch your diet

If you used to have pink lips that are now dark, then probably there is some health issue or something in your diet that has triggered the change. Avoid too much tea or coffee. This as well as smoking can darken lips.

5. Glycerin, rose water and saffron

Make a mixture of glycerin, rose water and saffron and apply on lips every night before going to bed. You will be amazed at the effects it will give to your lips. 

6. Using sunscreen

Use sunscreen topped with lip gloss before going out into the sun. This will prevent unnecessary darkening of the lips and help them lighten over time.

7. Home made lip balm

Make your own home made lip balm by mixing 1 teaspoon strawberry juice with 2 spoons of petroleum juice.

8. Lemon Juice Lightner

Message your lips with lemon juice and rinse off. Be careful not to keep the lemon juice on your lips for too long.

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